Where is Gemini Therapeutics headquartered?

300 One Kendall Square, 3rd Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139.

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Where is Gemini Therapeutics incorporated?

Gemini Therapeutics is incorporated in Delaware.

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When was Gemini Therapeutics founded?

Gemini Therapeutics was founded in 2015.

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Which stock exchange are Gemini Therapeutics shares traded on and what is the company’s ticker?

Gemini Therapeutics’ shares are traded on the Nasdaq Global Select Market under the symbol “GMTX”.

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When did Gemini Therapeutics begin trading under “GMTX”

Gemini went public via merger with FS Development Corp. (FSDC), a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC), on February 8, 2021.

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When does Gemini Therapeutics’ fiscal year end?

Gemini Therapeutics’ fiscal year ends on December 31.

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Who is Gemini Therapeutics’ independent registered public accounting firm?

Ernst & Young

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What is Gemini Therapeutics’ CUSIP number?


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How can I purchase Gemini Therapeutics shares?

Shares of Gemini Therapeutics’ stock can be purchased by contacting a securities broker of your choice.

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Can I purchase shares directly from Gemini Therapeutics?

No. Gemini does not have a direct stock purchase plan. You may purchase shares of Gemini through a broker of your choice.

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Does Gemini Therapeutics pay dividends and have a dividend reinvestment program?

Gemini Therapeutics does not pay dividends at this time.

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Who is Gemini Therapuetics’ transfer agent?

Continental Stock Transfer & Trust
Live Call support: 212-509-4000
e-mail: [email protected]
Online Contact: https://continentalstock.com/contact/

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How can I replace my lost stock certificates?

If you have misplaced your share certificates, please contact Gemini Therapeutics’ transfer agent, Continental Stock Transfer & Trust, via the information provided above.

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How do I report a change of mailing address?

If the shares are held in your name, you must contact Gemini Therapeutics’ transfer agent, Continental Stock Transfer & Trust, via the information provided above. If your shares are held in street name, you must contact your broker to update your address.

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How can I view documents Gemini Therapeutics has filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), including Forms 10-K and 10-Q?

Quarterly & Annual reports and other investor materials are available in the “Investors” section of Gemini Therapeutics’ corporate website. Additionally, all SEC filings can also be accessed directly from the SEC at www.sec.gov.

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How can I sign up to receive Gemini Therapeutics press releases and other company information?

Please click here to be directed to the email alerts page.

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Whom should I contact if I have additional questions?

For media and investor inquiries, please send an email to [email protected].

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